Asking for an agreement in prayer for a desperately needed financial miracle so that I can pat my mortgage and prevent foreclosure. For a remote job in my field which I have been trying to find for 2 years now. I am so desperately in need of a miracle from God so I am asking for supernatural move of God in my life in Jesus Holy Blood Bought Name. Praying for all the wars o end in Ukraine and Israel.
In Jesus Name I'm asking for prayer because a person that used to call herself my friend said she was going to make it her business to destroy me. The strange thing is I've really been good and protective of her, I'm believing God to reverse her threat and change her heart. That she will not succeed in her threats and that God will provide His perfect protection for every area of my life in Jesus Holy Blood bought name. I am believing God for healing in my right eye. To get a desperately needed job and financial increase. Also, since, I have no one at all, that God will bring the perfect man who is God centered into my life soon. That all the money owed to me by people will soon be repaid In Jesus Holy Blood Bought Name
Remember Psalms 121.. I will lift up my eyes unto the hills from which comes my help. My help comes from the Lord . who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved. He who keepth you will not slumber. BEHOLD HE WILL NOT SLUMBER OR SLEEP. The Lord is your keeper. The Lord is your shade at you right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day , nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve you from all evil (sickness, poverty, health, mental and physical, lack of job, finances and destruction of your relationships) He shall preserve your soul. The Lord God shall preserve your going out and coming in from this time forth and forevermore!! He who promised is FAITHFUL! Remember this!
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