Maulik Patel
Oct 18, 2015

Prayer Request

Thank you in advance for reading, if you would!
Of course most of you won't have time to read the whole story; but for me- it matters. All of you matter. Each and every person I can get on this to HELP.

23rd December, 2009
First day in United States of America. The beginning of my life was all set. Got what wanted. 21 years of the life, lived at the home. And next day more than 8 thousand miles away, New Jersey, USA. Came here to study; but never did like to. Had some relatives in Virginia, USA - so moved my college. 2 states - 3 days.

The Best Time of My Life. Party. Party. Party.
Worked - studied - enjoyed life.
There was a point of time, when out of no-where, decided not to study anymore. Quit going to the school. See, when I was young, I used to tell my father, "Will never do a Job, direct Business" - "Doesn't work that way", his reply all the time. Learned that in this country. As having my mindset towards the Only Dream of my life, the FRIENDZ International - I changed my direction to Business perspective Only.
Got my first chance, to run a family friend's Gas station. Did good. Made friends, learned the basics of the business, as I was the only one to Open and Close the store by my self. Very Important lesson learned, again, thankful to this country. First failure. Lesson learned!
Worked for 8 different entrepreneurs with more than 17 different locations. A ton load of experience. More than 3 thousand people can till date remember if I go back. Made a little-to-drastic changes everywhere I worked, most of them- still there- working as is- signs to posters to moving around stuff to forms and help your day-end make the easiest. Learned a lot. Gave a lot. Always have had that "Graphic kid" inside me, who started to show up a little by little. Colors, Nature, Change- they made me feel comfortable.

New Jersey:
4th year In.
Learned the meaning of WORK.
Night shift. Tough. Rough. Hardest time of my life. New Jersey had one of the strongest winters in History that year, and I've had only two options some days after getting off work; 'to walk back to where I lived eight miles down the road in 5 degrees outside with a hoodie not-strong enough to keep me warm, with the Sun being up there in the sky to help or to walk to work at night with out the help of the Sun, only in the cold! Slept on the floor, woke up all in sweat. Stank because I couldn't do the laundry. Hard life, very Big lessons learned. New Jersey prepared me for the Non-Stop working format. 10 entrepreneurs. More than 4 thousand people, who respected my work and service, including Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers, Policemen and what-not work they did. Felt so great as I got chance to meet all these thousands of people of this great country. Gave all I had from the bottom of my heart. Love and Respect.

The Biggest Life Experience.
Consistence. Patience. Core Knowledge of the business. Sharpness. and most important change of my life took place, I became Obsessively Compulsive.
Made the highest number of friends at this place. I know more than a thousand people just from this small town itself.

The Final Test!
Today, after all these experience and confidence I have gathered since last almost 6 years, after knowing this country so well and becoming a part of it, I feel there might be a way for me to become an actual part of this country by getting my legal rights. So I can prove myself-worth to the great people of this country! My only sister is getting married January 2016 back home & here I am, not knowing what to feel at the moment. Did my one mistake became so big, that, even after learning the value of it the hard and rough way, if I go to my sister's wedding then I cannot come back to where I belong anymore!? I need a pardon.

Please pray.