Do you have a moment for kindness? Answer these urgent prayer requests. Or is something on your heart or mind? Submit a prayer request to find peace. No matter how big or small the burden, someone is waiting to stand with you in prayer.
Give me and my brothers and sisters the testimony of the one true God, not the testimony of men, that we may all come to know you in truth. Have pity on us for our foolishness, and take charge of all our actions. Give us your commandments while we are alive, and make it so that we cannot help but keep them, and give thanks to you for doing this.
Do unto us according to the following Scriptures
”If we accept human witness, God’s witness is stronger.“
1John 5:9
”On that day they will know that I, the one speaking — here I am!”“
Isaiah 52:6
”They will not teach again, each man his neighbor and each man his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them,” declares the Lord
Jeremiah 31:34
Today, Lisa, God wants you to know that together, we are strong.
When you join your heart, prayers, and intentions with those of others, almost anything becomes possible...
I suffer With An addictive personality.. I am longing desperately to know what it's like to life without any demons. Plz pray for me. I'm so tired ..
I also pray for my sister khaye to continuously be blessed and share her blessings as we work together for the financial needs of our parents, for their medicines and food. Keep her healthy and strong.
Bless her Lord.
I pray for my 4th sister Kizz to get the job that she wanted with good compensation and benefits so she can go home and be with out parents and settle to other country with her family. Bless he too, because she's been the highest contributor before for my parents needs.
I pray for my youngest sister Mariz to finally find the right man for him who will take care of her and love her children without a doubt and hesitation. Bless her to have a better job also. So she can go back here in be with her kids whose been longing for her for years. They are still young and needs so much guidance from their mother.
Lord Jesus, I pray that the last quarter of 2024 will manifest good fortunes for my sisters and also for my nephews, lead them to the right path, help them to think wisely and be smart in making decisions and actions.
Make this full of miracles Lord,
And I believe in you Lord. I trust in you. And I am surrendering all our worries.
Please God. We need your help.
Please hear my prayer.
In Jesus name.
Dear God,
My mind over thinks not for my self but for my sisters and nephews.
I want to help them all financially, but I don't have much wealth to do it. All I have is my faith in you, that everything is possible in you.
Ask God and he will give the desires of my heart.
Lord I have so much to ask,...
For my sister Mae, she has a lot on her plate, please help her to understand and learned from her mistakes. She is financially drained, we wanted to help her but she must learn to help her self too by not doing the same mistakes over and over again. Surround her with people who can help her and has good intentions. Let her come in to her senses and focus on solution instead of thinking over and over again about her problems. Because she started to take for granted the welfare of her kids and nephews and my father living with her. Lord I am asking you to send someone or have some instrrument that will help her to make a solution in her problem. She's been struggling for 2 to 3 years. Help her self reflect and realise her mistakes and start to act, think and work positively
Her kids needs her.
Give her Strenght and hope to continue to fight and live. Bless my sister Mae. Please God.
To be continued...
Please pray for my marriage. My husband left me over 14 months ago and he will not talk to me about why. I need and want him to explain why he left me. Him and I are strong believers but for about 14 years now he has followed this Trumpet Call of God and everything I’ve seen about this says it’s a cult. He read the Bible daily when I was with him and grew up in the church where he went every week and know he believes that a church is bad and kept me from going to church but I started going again back in April. I need prays for his salvation and our marriage.
Please pray that the following verses will come true for me, as the one who said it intended, regardless of the meaning I discovered or people's various interpretations :
”Then the Lord your God will circumcise your hearts and the hearts of your children, so that you will love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your being, and thus you will live. -Deuteronomy“
”If someone loves me, he will keep my word; and we will come to him and make our home with him.- John”
”Plead with the Lord of the Harvest that he speed workers out to gather in his harvest. - Luke”
”The Lord’s plan will prevail.-Proverbs“
Heavenly father thank you for my life for everything you're doing for my transition and thank for things to get better my prayer request at this moment in time is for your will to be done regarding having a place to live and food to eat and for just everything that's really needed to provide a healthy lifestyle and more opportunities to record music and work on my passion I love you with all my heart thank you so much for answering my prayer and for your answer regarding all the details . In Yeshuas' Name Amen 🙏
Dont feel very well this evening. So much hurt, so depressed, so much worries. Wonder Im I ever be me again. What does it takes to be me and feel the warm feelings I use to know was me. Doubt about god, were are you when I need you? Dont want to doubt. Want to be a good believer. Longing for life, to be me. Please pray form me out there
Submit your prayer request. Thousands of caring people will see it and pray for you.