Briana Beals
Briana Beals
Jul 23, 2016

Life as a girl with spina bifida

When I was born not long after I was reported born with birth effect disease known as Spina Bifida and the doctor told my mother these very heart breaking things," your child will never walk, talk or ever be able to go too school like everyone else. Your child might died by age of three." I spent the first year of life in hospital when I was only few weeks I started be discovered I was born with seizure disorder as well do to me and massive spot found on x-ray. Before age one my first words were Eddie repeatedly I surprise and shocked my mother by eventually learning how to talk. By age one in half during playtime with my cousin and mother playing monkey in middle with me on floor I took my first steps. My always took back to the doctor during doctor appointments saying that he was wrong I can talk and I can walk.
it was by age three when my mom found having a seizure she flip over see I was my back was pouring out spinal fluids and I remember myself crying in pain grieving frighten young little girl seeing herself blacking out surrounded by people standing over her. I remember waking up further apart from my mom later on in jet play on bed crying for my mother and hearing her voice telling me it's okay my baby, it's okay. I remember blacking out once again. It was horrible experience for child and mother go through but I survived that near death experience as three year old girl who's not 20 years old today. I still haunted by that very day it's why I can't forget it ever even though I was young something horrifying like that no child can forget.

There times when I been off and on in wheelchair and walking support until 9 before my tenth birthday I went to doctor appointment and told the doctor would he help get out wheelchair my back no longer look like a letter C. He told me as little girl to my mother that he would help me get out wheelchair I went the Circus before my very last surgeon on my back I has 29+ over my whole entire life. I went into surgeon and left 3 weeks later on my feet without a wheelchair and walking support on my 10th birthday I only had use walker until I recovered. Then after time went by I was walking on my own and I was so happy. No one can explain how I went school like everyone else, how I can speak you today about my story and how I can walk on my own. I previously months ago felt feelings on left foot the very first time I cried. I think Lord everyday for saving me when I was three, he always saved me and kept me alive this whole time to share what I gone through. So one day I hope I meet someone special my dreams are get married someday and have children of my own. :') I want share my heart and my strength one day with someone I can love for rest my life. I am young, I am walking and I am alive.