I need prayer for a job
I really want to work with children and daycare type of job
I’m so thankful that when I lost everything
I had everything. I had to give my truck back I hurt my right knee so I can’t walk very far without it hurting and not sleeping very well cause of it ,well along comes a single mom who says I can’t drive my truck for awhile so you can use it so I did drive her truck for awhile then came the time to return it .
I returned the truck back .In my head I thought what I’m I going to do now well there was a lady whom I had been trying to meet to see a vehicle she had but we couldn’t never make it work,the day I returned the truck was the day we net so I could see the vehicle . I saw the vehicle it was in good condition all it needs is air in the tires an exhaust which is fine then I asked how much you want for it she says I know you are on hard times I was going to ask $300 for it but I know your situation so all I ask is to pay it forward. I thank God for this blessing and for the lady’s big heart . We never know who and when God will use to let us know he has our back .
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