Angelyn Babaran
Angelyn Babaran
Nov 4, 2021

Prayer Request

I am deeply asking a prayer request for everyone who'll read this.. my dad suddenly had stroke the last sunday, he was doing all okay after bringing him in the emergency but then a vessel had ruptured from his brain causing him right now in coma and unconscious. The physician told us that theres a little chance alrdy for my dad to survive, but we are not giving up esp we knw that dad can hear us and we have seen his tears while still unconscious. May the God almighty bless the medical staffs whos in charge to my dad to treat and save him and may the powerful hand of Almighty God touch and heal my dad. We deeply pray to God, to give my dad Albino Babaran, an another chance to live and to be with his siblings and grandchildren who he didnt even see ever since.
Our only hope right now is you, Lord God Almighty,
Our only hope right now is miracle, i do see and I do feel that dad wanted to live. Lord we are sorry for everything we did and this time it's only you God who would be the best medicine to my dad.
Lord, please, please, heal my dad, save him, bless him, and guide him lord.
We trust in you lord, God. We have/we put our faith in you, I do believe in you God.
May you give my dad more strength to fight as well as each of us whos waiting my dad to be conscious and awake and fighting with him as well.
Lord God please heal and save my father from his sickness, Albino Babaran who I/we love the most.

You, our savior, our hope, and our strength lord god we deeply pray this to you and may you hear our prayers. Amen.

Angelyn Babaran
Feb 22, 2021
Guest Prayed for Anonymous' prayer request.
Angelyn Babaran
Jul 19, 2020

Prayer Request

My daily message for today is, "God wanted you to know that it's ok to ask for help."

I ended up here because my family and i are now being surrounded with covid positive already. Thank God we are all still so full of strength and energy esp my parents. On the other hand, this covid is not just an ordinary/normal virus anymore. Day by day, little by little the level of fear that im feeling is increasing esp. that we just discovered lately that my father was exposed already to a covid positive. And we knew it lately as they were likely keeping it secretly. And nowadays it's so difficult to make a move as we are living in SA. Super strict rules. And not our home country.
As time passes by, im slowly getting blank. Getting lost. And i just keep asking, what is my purpose here? Why, i am still here? :( Because this pandemic is the 2nd reason why i had to wait again to go back to my home country. Now that we are not legally living here already. What is our purpose here why we couldnt head back to our own country?
I see myself helping people who wanted to go back home badly. I see my family helping people. But why does it looks like i keep helping them and not myself.. i keep facing their struggles but not my own? :'( we have plans but why does it seems like its going in another path were it leads us to helping other people..
I love helping people. I love helping others. There is no problem at all. But im having questions..
I wanted to ask help. I wanted to ask for prayers. Everyday, everynight i deeply pray to you lord. I cry to my prayers. What is my purpose here.. :(
I ended up here because i dont know whats happening already and i dont know if i could still handle the upcoming events. And i am so much worried to my family's safety in here esp for my parents. :(
I pray to you lord to give me some light. To give me strength, to guide me always, To guide and protect my family especially in the midst of this pandemic.
Lord, i trust you.
Lord, i believe in you.
Lord, i put my faith in you.
Lord, you, above all things. The Almighty God, the most high and powerful in this world. I ask and pray to heal my loved ones, each and everyone of us in this world. May this virus be gone and washed away.
Lord, please save us. 😢

Angelyn Babaran
Apr 12, 2020
Guest Prayed for Anonymous' prayer request.
Angelyn Babaran
Apr 12, 2020
Guest Prayed for Anonymous' prayer request.
Angelyn Babaran
Apr 4, 2020
Guest Prayed for Anonymous' prayer request.