This may be shallow as my prayer is for my Cat Groot to be found or to come home. I got her during a very difficult time (mom and brother passed). She has provided me with comfort and I just wanted to ask for prayers for her to be alright and return safely. In Jesus’ name I pray for a little piece of my heart to reignite with my cat Groot.
I know the feeling as moms are so very important in our lives. They gave us life. I pray you and your mum, I love that you call her mum, are filled with Jesus' holy spirit and that you are both healthy. God hears you. Jesus I pray that you comfort them and that you provide your healing in their hearts and throughout their bodies. I pray this in your name, Jesus Christ. Amen
My family is broken apart after our mom and brother passed. So much hate and anger maybe that has always been there but maybe its time to let it out and with the new year I pray we all can forgive. I wish I knew why it's okay to say you forgive so easy but do we really when we hold remorse and negative feelings. There is a meme oh I am guilty of using them too but it goes like this "I can forgive but I won't forget what has been said and done". To me is that really forgiveness or our own worldly way of making it easy for us to say we forgive but we really don't. I am guilty of this but working to be more like Him not easy but trying. So please pray for me and my family that we can come together again for His good and for a positive memory of our mother and brother. Thank you all. In His Name I pray
It may be stressful time but know that the time and your sacrifice will be rewarded in your heart. No regrets is what I say. Good things for you and your family. Trust what God is trying to say to you. You are blessed to his parents. I pray you feel His love and comfort daily. It may not be easy but you will see in time what He has in store for you. Much love and hugs from someone who has been there. Yogi
I feel similar feelings a lot. I text my daughter and no response. Only calls when she needs something. I tell you this as to let you know you are not alone. There are many parents trying to be good parents. But sometimes we just have to let them find out by themselves that time is ticking away and tomorrows are not promised. I don't know how old your daughter is but I suspect in her 20's. They are also finding themselves and they are still in the ego frame of mind. Pick up a book on young adulthood. They too are feeling lost if they don't have selfishness or narcissistic tendency then they will come to you when they are ready. Life is so hard. But its so great at the same time. Take care of yourself and try not to take it personal even though we do. You have my prayers as does your daughter.
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