Dear Lord,
My husband is working away from home because there are no jobs of where I live. I cannot leave to be with him because of my aging parents and my only son. Also his mother, who has Alzheimer’s and his sister who is taking care of her.
Please keep him safe and healthy since he has no one with him. It’s hard live far apart but I know in my heart Jesus will bring him home soon with a job waiting for him here.
Praying to my lord that he will be safe and his health be good. It’s hard without him home but I have faith that only good will come.
Thank you, love my lord Jesus,
My nephew Brandon was found dead 2 days ago in a parking garage. He was only 31 years old.He’s been struggling with schizophrenia for around 6 years.
Our family has been devastated. I know a lot about mental illness as I have it as well as my son which I hoped it would pass him.
Lord grant me the strength for my family to carry on and keep his memories alive.
God Bless all who struggle with mental illness.
Please pray my spouse finds a job. Times are tough. And that he will be nicer to me.
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