I have dentures and they need fitting. i took the bottom ones out the other night because they were hurting me. i can't find them. please pray i find them.. i have implant rods that hold them on they are very expensive and cannot afford more. i have the flu and am confused about where i put them. please pray
Lord pl3ase have Robert come back home where he will find more love than he ever will out in the streets. Please let him know we love him and want him back now more than ever. Pleasemake the street come back as cold and unloving we need him here not out chasing trash
please god help me to win the Unemployment appeal and let it be quick and easy so I do not have to fret and worry. Please take this whole situation in your hands as I will mess up with i do anything. Please also help me deal with Robert and his no compatible with me attitude and his childish ways of living in this world help us both to be kind to each other and do not let him take off to austin as I have no desire to be left again in the street homeless by him there. please help me to do my best in all things and let me be more and more like you. please do not give up on me and help me not to be suicidal because i believe you can help me believe in miracles. please help me find the money to pay an attorney and keep felony away. I need this to go away so i can still work at my profession and not have to change careers over this. Please just help me see mom soon and for all the things i forget the holy spirit will intercede thank you so much for giving me you in my body to help me along the way. Please lord miracles are the only way as i am close to giving up please do not let me fall to satans lies. i
Dear lORd,
PLEase do not let me get fired before i start my new job. i am looking at a back grround check and you know i have a misdemeanor from 2020 and it has almost been 4 years. i do not want to look stupid i am reaching out to you so i ask you to forgive my doubt and help me make it to work tomorrow and everything go smooth,. i appreciate this faith building.
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